How can I make my game more user friendly?

I’ve been working on a recreation of the tabletop game “Mastermind.” I’ve gotten it to the point where it’s just functional, I haven’t worked on making it look great yet. I’m worried that it’s not very user-friendly and I want the game to be easy for the player to use. One person that tested it said the clicking on a placeholder peg and having to click on a color on a gui menu that pops up is annoying. He suggested clicking on a placeholder peg could cycle through the colors per click. I personally thought that system would be too tedious. What do you guys think would be the best way to choose a color? I’d also appreciate any other feedback about the game. If you don’t know how to play Mastermind I suggest you look it up, however I plan on adding an in-game tutorial in the future. Game link: Mastermind [beta] - Roblox


Overall the game was confusing. Here’s some feedback:

  • A tutorial would be really nice, instead of relying to look it up. There could be one in the game’s description.
  • No music/ambience, makes everything seem bland.
  • UI could be improved a lot. Like making them colored and making the border transparent.
  • The “guesses left” UI could be moved away from the chatbox. It could become hard to see.

The game is in Alpha and you said you were going to make a tutorial so take this feedback lightly please, overall the game seems cool.