i know roblox isnt able to make the graphics on dbz kakarot level but is it possible to get at least somewhat close? i use surface appearance on the hair to make it look someway like dbz kakarot and i used cell shading on the hair and body to give it the black outlines (planning to also do it for the 3d clothes)
Honestly, I think it looks great as it is! The skin colour seems a bit grey, however. Perhaps what you really need to do is play with the lighting, the game just seems quite dark in comparison to db games. Perhaps you just need to up the brightness, try a lighting technology with less shadows or just use a colour correction object and up the contrast/saturation/tint to make it look more vvvvvibrant!
Here’s a map my friend made for our game, with and without the colorcorrection:
Try future technology, and bloom, it’ll most likely achieve that effect you’re trying out. Also make sure to play with ColorCorrection and Contrast which will most likely get you to where you want. Add SunRays as well, and a cartoony sky for matching the game. Good luck!