How can I make my podium look better?

I have a podium that solely has one purpose and that would be to hold the player in the center. It works fine and all but I am not satisfied with my design. I was wondering if I could get some tips on making it look better all around because I don’t like the colors and design, etc.

To be clear, I am talking about the 2 hexagons under the green square.

I honestly thinks that this looks great, at most add some neon light strips maybe?

I still think it needs some more pizazz

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It looks good. Although I would say I think you could try adding more details to the stairs. Think of like a carpet over the stairs although in this case that might not make much sense. Maybe like a neon color on the stairs or something?

If you look at everything then the stairs, the stairs just seem like you put down a placeholder waiting to go back to doing them.

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IMO I think it has a lack of texture or improper texture applied to it… even some lack of color. Maybe have the center a bright color and texture to stand out from the “pods” surrounding it?

Maybe work with Neon and light it up a bit if it feels too dark for you. But i feel the neon on the pods are great, and then the middle is lacking.

You also have uplighting around the edges of the lobby, maybe try adding a downlighting to the center?

I would throw in some diamond plates to match the others and maybe you can add some black lines on the stairs too? Great design btw

u could make the green triangle rotated 45 deegrees to chairs or 0 since it just being slightly slanted is a bit unsatysfying any other than that it looks great