Right now, I’m just looping through all of the motor6d’s inside of the character and replacing them with ballsocketconstraints. I have also copied a bunch of twist angles and upper angles from a working source.
Inside the model, they also have hinge constraints and collision constraints. What are the purposes of hinge and collision constraints in a ragdoll?
This is my code right now
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
Players.CharacterAutoLoads = false
--local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local Player = script.Parent.Parent
local Char = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid = Char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
Humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath = false
local constraints = {
["LeftAnkle"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 30,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = -45, TwistUpperAngle = 30};
["RightAnkle"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 30,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = -45, TwistUpperAngle = 30};
["LeftElbow"] = {Limits = true, Twist = false, UpperAngle = 135,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = nil, TwistUpperAngle = nil};
["RightElbow"] = {Limits = true, Twist = false, UpperAngle = 135,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = nil, TwistUpperAngle = nil};
["LeftHip"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 50,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = 100, TwistUpperAngle = -45};
["RightHip"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 50,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = 100, TwistUpperAngle = -45};
["LeftKnee"] = {Limits = true, Twist = false, UpperAngle = 0,LowerAngle = -140, TwistLowerAngle = nil, TwistUpperAngle = nil};--
["RightKnee"] = {Limits = true, Twist = false, UpperAngle = 0,LowerAngle = -140, TwistLowerAngle = nil, TwistUpperAngle = nil};--
["Neck"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 60,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = -75, TwistUpperAngle = 60};
["LeftShoulder"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 45,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = -90, TwistUpperAngle = 150};--
["RightShoulder"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 45,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = -90, TwistUpperAngle = 150};--
["Waist"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 30,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = -55, TwistUpperAngle = 25};
["LeftWrist"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 30,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = -45, TwistUpperAngle = 45};
["RightWrist"] = {Limits = true, Twist = true, UpperAngle = 30,LowerAngle = nil, TwistLowerAngle = -45, TwistUpperAngle = 45};
for index, v in pairs(Char:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Motor6D") then
local ballSocketConstraint = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint")
local attachmentName = v.Parent:FindFirstChild(v.Name.."Attachment") or v.Parent:FindFirstChild(v.Name.."RigAttachment")
local secondAttachmentName = v.Part0:FindFirstChild(v.Name.."Attachment") or v.Part0:FindFirstChild(v.Name.."RigAttachment")
if attachmentName and secondAttachmentName then
ballSocketConstraint.Parent = v.Parent
ballSocketConstraint.Attachment0 = attachmentName
ballSocketConstraint.Attachment1 = secondAttachmentName
if v.Name ~= "Root" then
ballSocketConstraint.LimitsEnabled = constraints[v.Name]["Limits"]
ballSocketConstraint.TwistLimitsEnabled = constraints[v.Name]["Twist"]
ballSocketConstraint.UpperAngle = constraints[v.Name]["UpperAngle"]
ballSocketConstraint.TwistLowerAngle = constraints[v.Name]["TwistLowerAngle"]
ballSocketConstraint.TwistUpperAngle = constraints[v.Name]["TwistUpperAngle"]
delay(1, function()