How can I make my textbutton show above the frame


I have some problems with my frame showing above the textbutton. The textbutton is the parent of the frame. I made it so that when you hover with your mouse above the textbutton the frame becomes visible, but it also appears above the textbutton itself. How can I fix it (make it so the frame stays below the textbutton)?

Screenshot 2022-06-22 165556

Change Zindex to 2 (property of text button)

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You should put the textbutton inside the frame and not the other way around.

It does not work sadly. I have tried that before.

Well as I am aware, if you then make the frame invisible then the button wouldn’t be visible either?

My apologies, I had some other GUIs that had higher Zindex property value and that’s why Zindex 2 wasn’t working on the textbutton. Thanks!

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You can set frame transparency to 1 to make it invisible.