So basically I want a Value to Update a Parts Propertys if the value gets set to true. it wont update the value all tho the value is set to true and idk how to make it happen. this it a part of the script i am using (also the values definition since it might be smth right there):
if player.leaderstats.Coins.Value >= v.Config.Price.Value then
remotes.Purchase:InvokeServer(player, player.leaderstats.Coins.Value)
remotes.Purchase.OnClientInvoke = function(player, GateValue)
if GateValue == true then
v.CanCollide = false
v.Screen.PriceText.Visible = false
v.Screen.NameText.Visible = false
v.Screen.PurchaseButton.Visible = false
v.Transparency = 1
true hahaha but i am talking about the fact that it took 1 minute for a response also if it sometimes takes up to 20h which cam be preaty annoying since people like me want to continue fast yk?
I will read through the article tho and see if its the solution but let me attach my script jkust in case it isn’t
alright lol, but the thing from above wasn’t the solution sadly or i am just a little too stupid to get the right thing but i also attched the code above if you don’t mind quickly seeing what i ment
the script is a local script just in case you wanna ask it some where lol
That’s probably because you’re updating the value from the client, if you are then you should update from server so that the server knows the value actually exists. Because on the server the client changed value won’t exist.
Well I guess you could, but what I’m trying to say is that you need to change the value and use the event on the same client-server boundary. So if you changed it on the client, do the event on the client. If you changed it on the server, well it would work. But I assume the reason it doesn’t work for you is because you have changed the value from the client. Then you’re invoking to the server, which doesn’t know that the value even exists.