How can I make objects in Camera not be affected by light

I have a model that I put inside the Camera, with a surfacegui. Problem is cause of my lighting, it makes the UI near impossible to read. I’ve tried messing with LightInfluence/Brightness on it, to no avail, as well as tried making a part that blocks the light from getting to the part, but that causes a huge shadow on the floor and just looks off (54)

Please don’t suggest using a viewport. I’ve spent a week now working on this and tried a viewport, and while these would allow for easier lighting control, they do not render SurfaceGui’s, making this effect impossible. The model inside the camera is my only option to achieve this.

What is your lighting effects?

Shouldn’t matter. I don’t want to change my lighting whatsoever.

I just wanted to know what ever lighting effects you had on to see if I could come up with a fix.

What are the children of the lighting?


None of their properties should be changed. The lighting should stay the exact same. I just want the contents of the camera to ignore lighting

Wait so I am confused you put a model in a surface gui? Or like a decal of the image on the gui?

Why don’t you try putting a clone of the GUI in the player’s PlayerGui, so it won’t be affected by the game’s lighting?

No, it’s a model, with a surfacegui on it

Models are only rendered in workspace, camera or viewport. I can’t use a viewport

WOW, I am a idiot sorry for the confusion. What happen when you tried changing LightInfluence on the surface gui?

I’m saying, why don’t you make a replica of the SurfaceGui, make it a ScreenGui, and put it on the player’s screen when the player is using it?

They don’t really create much of a difference. Lighting is still really bright

Tried that. It’s impossible to scale a flat 2d UI based on a 3d objects size and position

So is the washed out gui on your screen from screen gui or it is the surface gui?

Well, you can get the SurfaceGui AbsoluteSize (but make sure you’re scaling it with scale not offset) and then apply it to a ScreenGui, this would make the UI size the same as on the part

SurfaceGui on the part, more words to reach character count

Why can’t you detect when someone is close by and make the gui pop up in a actual screen gui?

Not quite that simple unfortunately :confused:

Using the SurfaceGui.AbsoluteSize, the black part is the surfaceGui (1,1), the blue part is a 2D frame set to the SurfaceGui.AbsoluteSize. As you can see, there’s parts on the edge that are clipped. I cannot have this, edges needed to be perfectly flush