How can I make PlatformStand work better in my game?

I’m making a hockey game, and I need to make it so that if a player is hit, they are knocked down, and that’s where the PlatformStand property comes into play. Unfortunately, the behavior of it is extremely weird and unpredictable. The character will either fling upon getting up, or will have a lot of trouble getting up. I’ve tried using BodyGyros and BodyPositions to make it better, but none of them have worked.

What are some ways I can make PlatformStand work better?


You can use the humanoid ragdoll state and disable gettingup for a set time.


Are you saying I should use the SetStateEnabled function of the humanoid to do both of these things?

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Yes, and you should use the changeState function to make it go humanoid ragdoll mode. Probably re-enable those states after a set time


Wow! Worked flawlessly. Thank you!


Hi! If you see this do you think you can make an example? Thank you!

I’m still stumped on how to make the character not fling, and this is the only solution that works, but I’m not sure how to do it.

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Hi human RagDoll is really simple I will link you a video where you can get how to do the human ragdoll in general. then you can modify it as much as you want

RagDoll Youtube Link