How can I make player stand still on spinning part?

As you can see, the chracter slightly moves on the spinning part.

robloxapp-20250128-2034147.wmv (1.9 MB)

My game uses TweenService+ to animate part and adds a part following it by using AlignPosition on client for the collision.

I used hinge before but it was too stuttering and laggy.
I tried attaching a part to the tweening part but didn’t work.

I want a solution that doesn’t make this happen and makes part looks simillar or the same for every client.

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Cloned tween part on client which is attached with alignpositioning part to make sure it’s client sided, still didn’t work.

I didn’t use tween service plus module this time I cloned every part that moves and made tween and align position at local but it still happens even on parts that moves horizontally I’m not sure but I think aligning part’s physic doesn’t work properly on client I decided to use prismatic constraint but I might need moving parts that are not laggy and shows simillar or the same to every client for next project.

Hi there!

I’m not very experienced at proggraming, but a hacky solution i see to this is to detect the player touching the platform with Platform:Touched and create a weld with the Part0 as the platform and Part1 as the Charcter HumanoidRootPart.

Once the player press space to jump the weld gets destroied

But there’s probably a better way to do it