How can I make players explode on death?

I’m aware that by default players explode on death but here is a video showing exactly what I’m tying to do. Actually first I would like to know if I’ll get banned for changing the death animation to be as brutal as shown in the video and if I won’t get banned for it I would like some help for doing this. If you need more detail for what you’re helping me with feel free to ask. Thank you in advance.

You can use the



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Detect when the player dies using something like this:


then, add an explosion as they die in this function with something like this:"Explosion").Parent = character.UpperTorso

You’ll have to edit these ofc, but this is the basic idea


wait but i’m pretty sure explosions can’t be invisible can they?

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i want them invisible so i can have my own explosion effect

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maybe add a particle effect with custom settings instead

You can make the character invisible and put particles on the BaseParts, using the Emit() function for simulate the effects of exploding

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local Character = script.Parent

	local Explosion ="Explosion")
	Explosion.Parent = Character.Torso -- for R6
	Explosion.Parent = Character.UpperTorso -- for R15
	Explosion.Position = Character.Torso.Position
	Explosion.BlastRadius = 10
	Explosion.BlastPressure = 100
	Explosion.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
	Explosion.Visible = false

paste this in a server script in StarterCharacterScript, this should work

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Do like @ahandohs5 said yeah. You woldn’t get banned for doing it unless you promote the game as suitable for kids. You’ll have to go through the little quiz (can’t remember the name) and it will rate the game for you so people can see there is violence in the game and that might make it 13+ or whatever.

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I think it’s called the questionnaire

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Uhhh, I have no idea how to do the particles, but I know how to make the explosion,
register when the player dies or gets eliminated and make a new explosion and parent it to the player. Along the lines of:

	local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
			local Explosion ="Explosion", player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"))
			Explosion.BlastPressure = math.huge

not the best way to do it, but it sends the player to oblivion.

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okay i think this works i configured some settings to my liking and all i need now is some particles but don’t body parts get removed when you die so how can i make the blood particles show before the part it’s emitting from gets destroyed?

local Character = script.Parent

	local ParticleEmitterPart = game.ServerStorage.Part:Clone() -- replace with your part, make sure its a clone
	local ParticleEmitterInstance = ParticleEmitterPart.ParticleEmitter
	local Explosion ="Explosion")
	Explosion.BlastRadius = 10
	Explosion.BlastPressure = 100000
	Explosion.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
	Explosion.Visible = false
	Explosion.Parent = Character.UpperTorso -- for R15
	Explosion.Position = Character.UpperTorso.Position
	ParticleEmitterPart.Parent = Character.UpperTorso
	ParticleEmitterInstance:Emit(300) -- change the amount it emits to your liking
	ParticleEmitterPart.CFrame = Character.UpperTorso.CFrame

I made this script but for some reason it only works from the side of the server, meaning that the player who died won’t see the explosion emitted from the particle emitter but other players probably would

this is easy to fix but you’ll have to setup some remote events and stuff for the player to see the explosion too

thank you but i figured it out already and the player who died can see the explosion

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Oh that’s good, i think the particle emitter i used didn’t work as expected

Its a little thing but using once for stuff like this is good


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