How can I make Random Map Generation?

I’m trying to make a random map generator and I’m not really sure how to, It’s a recreation of SCP:CB where there’s corridors and rooms, I think how they do it is divide each section into grids and see what rooms are compatible to “match” onto it, leaving some blanks squares. Though, I don’t actually know how to do this.

(Image of what I mean)

I few problems I’ve encountered are stuff like script exhaustion from checking ~20 possible matches for each door on a grid (Probably around 5000 checks they do for each map) and that’s basically where I’m currently stuck at. Does anyone know how to fix this?


if you’re encountering script exhaustion add waits to your code


That doesn’t solve the issue - As I said it needs to run ~5000 times, even with the lowest possible wait (29 milliseconds) will take too long. I also said I’m stuck on that part and never got any closer to the goal.

Try using RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() or task.wait() instead of using the normal “wait()”

They give the same delay, and again, that’s not the only thing stopping me, there’s a lot of other issues as stated in the original post.

So does this mean like, the script stops running for a while?
I dont know how script exhaustion works.

If that is the case just make a loading screen and let everyone wait for the map to load.
I really have no idea lol

Script exhaustion is where a script runs too much code in a short amount of time, and the script stops running because of it. This is a safeguard setting defaulted by Roblox and can be turned off (it’s primarily used to tell you that something is wrong)

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