Hello! I’m thedrea. I like to make GFX but I always have some sort of problem with rendering. I know that nothing is perfect ever but I know there is a way to fix these things since people always make clean GFX without these.
What am I wanting to fix you may be asking? Well. Firstly the face always goes pixelated. This is something that bugs me a LOT.
As you can see it’s all pixelated around the edges. That’s the first thing I want to fix.
It looks so odd. It’s not smooth. All I want is smooth curves and shadows.
I have NO idea how to fix this since I only use blender for ROBLOX GFX currently. I only know some features of blender which are the simple things I use for GFX.
I use Blender 2.91 and I render in cycles. I’ll try to reply to any questions in the replies. I appreciate if you help fix this. Thank you.
I believe you are using paintrigv3, it pixelates the textures, there is another rig I use myself called Roblox Rig V4 or here is the download link RobloxRig_V4
it is pretty similar to paintrigv3 but if you are having trouble with it dm me on discord, plixum#0001.
I do not believe there is a way to fix it on paintrigv3 its self but ill keep a look out.
If you want to upscale it just use this and put the character texture(s) in it. Then just use the new character textures on the rig/character your using