How can i make search engine in roblox

Hello guys im making a game like google that can search anything I putted but
I don’t know how I’m just new at scripting and I tried to find on yt or other but I have this script maybe is good?

local scroll = script.Parent.Parent.ScrollingFrame -- CHANGE THIS TO YOUR SCROLLING FRAME
local textBox = script.Parent -- CHANGE THIS TO YOUR TEXT BOX

textBox.Changed:Connect(function() -- when the text is changed
	local text = textBox.Text:lower() -- lowercase search bar text
	if text ~= "" then -- if it has text
		local buttons = scroll:GetDescendants() -- all of the buttons
		for _, button in pairs(buttons) do -- loops through the buttons
			if button:IsA("TextButton") then -- if it's a button
				local buttonText = button.Text:lower() -- lowercase button text
				if string.find(buttonText, text) then -- if search bar text is found in the button's text
					button.Visible = true -- shows button
				else -- otherwise
					button.Visible = false -- hides button
	else -- if it's empty
		local buttons = scroll:GetDescendants() -- all buttons
		for _, button in pairs(buttons) do -- loops through buttons
			if button:IsA("TextButton") then -- if it's a button
				button.Visible = true -- shows button
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pls anyone??? cmon dude!!!

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What is it you want exactly?

A text box that when a text gets entered a web page with the same name as the text gets shown?

Sorry if this is worded weird, I just woke up lol.

if you’re a new scripter then this is a horrible thign to start out with tbh. its extremely complicated, and it may not even bhe possible without inputing everysingle possible series of character that can be searched


The OP could have a list of websites and a 404 error page, so when someone looks for a website they don’t have, then the 404 would be displayed.

Plus it’s not really they complicated? A simple lower text check and enable a UI if the text matches.

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yeah u can literlyy see textbox in the code sorry for late reply man.

Go figure, but that’s not what I was referring to.


Oh! Do you want a search system like a player search system?


like google and other one of those

sorry for the bad UI I know little coding I’m a beginner and can maybe do some easy coding like not all

Never mind my judgement was correct.

So the easiest method would be:

  • Have a folder of “websites” UIs in ReplicatedStorage (or wherever you choose to be your directory).

  • When the player inputs text and enters, we compare the text to the list of websites we have.

  • If a match is found copy and display said website, else display the 404.


it works but its not good when i have to keep add more I want to make like a place to add links and remove online without having to add

thats cool il try that! if i can

Alright let me know how it goes, or if you need assistance when anything listed.

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wait how can i copy and move the gui into where I want? i don’t know how I can ):

im confused i tried to see how but i don’t know how I can delete the button

textBox.SH.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- when the text is changed
	local text = textBox.Text:lower() -- lowercase search bar text
	if text ~= "" then -- if it has text
		local buttons = scroll:GetDescendants() -- all of the buttons
		for _, button in pairs(buttons) do -- loops through the buttons
			if button:IsA("TextButton") then -- if it's a button
				local buttonText = button.Text:lower() -- lowercase button text
				if string.find(buttonText, text) then -- if search bar text is found in the button's text
					script.AdminGUI:Clone() -- does it
					button.Parent = Players:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
				else -- otherwise
					 -- hides button
	else -- if it's empty
		local buttons = scroll:GetDescendants() -- all buttons
		for _, button in pairs(buttons) do -- loops through buttons
			if button:IsA("TextButton") then -- if it's a button
				button.Visible = true -- shows button

still no anwser

This is how you clone and parent.

local GUI = YOURGUI:Clone()
GUI.Parent = PlayerGui

well i have a issue if i dont use the button local the search engine might not work
well the thing didn’t show

local scroll = script.Parent.Parent.ScrollingFrame -- CHANGE THIS TO YOUR SCROLLING FRAME
local textBox = script.Parent -- CHANGE THIS TO YOUR TEXT BOX
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

textBox.SH.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- when the text is changed
	local text = textBox.Text:lower() -- lowercase search bar text
	if text ~= "" then -- if it has text
		local buttons = scroll:GetDescendants() -- all of the buttons
		for _, button in pairs(buttons) do -- loops through the buttons
			if button:IsA("TextButton") then -- if it's a button
				local buttonText = button.Text:lower() -- lowercase button text
				if string.find(buttonText, text) then -- if search bar text is found in the button's text
					local GUI = ReplicatedStorage.Websites:Clone()
					GUI.Parent = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
				else -- otherwise
					local GUI = ReplicatedStorage.Websites.robloxcom:Destroy()
					GUI.Parent = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")-- hides button
	else -- if it's empty
		local buttons = scroll:GetDescendants() -- all buttons
		for _, button in pairs(buttons) do -- loops through buttons
			if button:IsA("TextButton") then -- if it's a button
			    local sus = ReplicatedStorage.Websites.robloxcom:Clone()
				sus.Parent = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

what am i doing wrong im so confused man I am bad

You have to find the website.

local GUI = ReplicatedStorage.Websites:FindFirstChild(buttonText)
if (not GUI) then
print(“get 404 page” 

GUI.Parent = PlayerGui
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now what i did it what next what sould I now do coz it still ain’t working

local scroll = script.Parent.Parent.ScrollingFrame -- CHANGE THIS TO YOUR SCROLLING FRAME
local textBox = script.Parent -- CHANGE THIS TO YOUR TEXT BOX
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")

textBox.SH.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- when the text is changed
	local text = textBox.Text:lower() -- lowercase search bar text
	if text ~= "" then -- if it has text
		local buttons = scroll:GetDescendants() -- all of the buttons
		for _, button in pairs(buttons) do -- loops through the buttons
			if button:IsA("TextButton") then -- if it's a button
				local buttonText = button.Text:lower() -- lowercase button text
				if string.find(buttonText, text) then -- if search bar text is found in the button's text
					local GUI = ReplicatedStorage.Websites:Clone()
					GUI.Parent = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
				else -- otherwise
					local GUI = ReplicatedStorage.Websites:FindFirstChild(buttonText)
					if (not GUI) then
						print('get 404 page')

					GUI.Parent = PlayerGui
	else -- if it's empty
		local buttons = scroll:GetDescendants() -- all buttons
		for _, button in pairs(buttons) do -- loops through buttons
			if button:IsA("TextButton") then -- if it's a button
			    local sus = ReplicatedStorage.Websites.robloxcom:Clone()
				sus.Parent = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")