How can i make search engine in roblox

WOW LOOK AT THIS GUY You didn’t even take one look at the script u didn’t even read everything please stop and listen I’m not going to make a real search engine but a search engine that clones from the replicated storage with a frame that puts it into the main GUI but I don’t know and you don’t read everything please listen and read carefully when talking!

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Hi !
A few time ago I made this script to search children of a list so I think that might help you, here the code (you’ll need to modify it a bit) :

local SearchBar = script.Parent.TextBox
local ServerList = script.Parent.Parent.GlobalServerList

	local Search = string.gsub(string.lower(SearchBar.Text), " ", "")
	for Value, Child in pairs(ServerList:GetChildren()) do
		if Child:IsA("GuiButton") then
			if Search ~= "" then
				local Server = string.gsub(string.gsub(string.lower(Child:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("TextLabel").Text), " ", ""), "/", "")
				if string.find(Server, Search) then
					Child.Visible = true
					Child.Visible = false
				Child.Visible = true

Have a nice day !


thats not really what i’ve said i want it to copy what it searched and put it into the GUI from the replicated storage


But why dont put it into player gui ?

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becuase it will show things they didnt search and I wanna remove the things that isn’t what it searched !

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Oh ok I see, you need to set the visibility of them to false !

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i dont know wich script your talking about and how to set the other false if its not what they searched

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This a property of gui, you need to set the property visibility of all of them to false and when they search up do wath you want and show what they searched by set there visibility property to true, and I send you a script before !

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You need a giant table of fake websites and then you would use something like string.find and loop through the tables contents to find the context you’re looking for

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