How can i make Shadows look better in small models?

Is there a way to make shadows look better without them being just a spot of nothing?

I think shadows work better with big objects but, im trying to make a game that includes small and somewhat detailed things.
Shadow softness: 1

Shadow softness: 0

Shadow softness: 0.2

Now, shadow with a spotlight, which looks better but, im sure i might be asking for a lot by wanting better shadows.

if you somehow know how to make it look just a bit better, feel free to reply!

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Shadow quality also strongly depends on the type of lighting technology you use. If you’re not using Future already, I’d recommend that.

thanks for replying, i used future lighting in these imagesimage

Maybe go to Studio Settings and then change the quality to level 21.

I always have the quality level set to the max for like 7 months or so.

Then I’m afraid I can’t help you.

Currently it is impossible to do this but hopefully with roblox rolling out more future lighting updates it will come soon!

Personally I just turn off shadows.

The reason Roblox doesn’t just give extreme HD shadows from skybox illumination (the sun rays) is because it would cause immense lag.

In the future we can hope for a “HighDefinitionShadows” property, but for now you’re probably going to be stuck with weird shadows.

I strongly advise against using spotlights for good shadows. It’ll only create more problems in the future. (ex. in dark rooms there will be random glowing / performance problems)