How can I make something like this?

How can I make an effect like this?
I have tried forcefield, beams, trails but I’m still not sure.

You can see this effect for yourself in this game.


it can be done with some beams, you would need atleast 2, one for the gradient and the other one for the flame looking things that are moving, after that you would need some particles moving with the beams, this can be achieved by making a long thin part along the width beam

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My mistake there, its actually 3 beams, i realized that theres a sort of pulsing, here is how i structured everything


A is the attachment at the center of the part, while B is the end of the gradient, C is a bit above B

Gradient is a simple beam that goes from fully opaque to fully transparent
Beam Is a copy of gradient with a texture that scrolls
And Pulse is the only one wich its end is at Attachment C, pulse uses a texture that is mostly blank and its just a gradient bar

The particles are simple ones wich just shrink and get transparent overtime

This is the result:

While not being exactly like the one you are trying to replicate, with some good textures and some more tweaking to all beams and particles the result would be much more similar to the one you want

Heres the model:
Forcefield.rbxm (7.6 KB)


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