So on my current project, which is a large shopping center, I need ambient light sources to properly illuminate the interior of the mall. This of course has the unintended effect of creating incredibly visible glare on smoother surfaces. My projects most always use Future Lighting so this has always been a problem i’ve had to wrestle with. I’ve seen plenty of projects pull off the lighting without all the scattered and messy surface-glare so I’m wondering how that’s achieved.
It is possible to fix this, though it is very tedious.
When uploading your own material, you can pick a material variant, which will take the properties of that material and apply them to yours. You can also upload your own material variant.
You can apply your custom material variant to the textures that are bothering you with reflections (ie. metal). Depending on how you customized your material variant, that should up.
I’d look up how to utilize and upload material variants to studios.