How can i make the atmosphere change when camera is underwater?

so i wanna change the atmosphere’s Density and Haze when camera is underwater!
The water is meshpart(not skinned mesh) and im using a script from this video:
I’m a builder, illustrator, modeler so im not good at scripting😭 please help!
what i wanna achive:

also i tried to figure it out by searching it in youtube, google, devforum but since there was nothing i wanted, im here asking! again, PLEASE HELPPP

  • i also tried to scripting it by myself by doing
    if CameraUnderwater then
    Atmosphere.Density = 0.85
    Atmosphere.Haze = 0.5
    and it kinda worked(it changed the atmosphere’s settings)
    but it was not making the atmosphere to default setting when camera wasnt underwater… :sob:


local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")

local Camera = workspace:WaitForChild("Camera")
local Water = workspace:WaitForChild("Water")
local UnderwaterColor = Lighting:WaitForChild("UnderwaterColor")
local UnderwaterBloom = Lighting:WaitForChild("UnderwaterBloom")
local MuffleSound = workspace:WaitForChild("Sound"):WaitForChild("EqualizerSoundEffect")
local UnderwaterSound = workspace:WaitForChild("Underwater Movement 501 (SFX)")
local Atmosphere = Lighting:WaitForChild("Atmosphere")

	local CameraV3 = Water.CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(Camera.CFrame.Position)
	local CameraUnderwater = (math.abs(CameraV3.X) <= Water.Size.X / 2)
		and (math.abs(CameraV3.Y) <= Water.Size.Y / 2)
		and (math.abs(CameraV3.Z) <= Water.Size.Z / 2)

	UnderwaterColor.Enabled = CameraUnderwater
	UnderwaterBloom.Enabled = CameraUnderwater
	MuffleSound.Enabled = CameraUnderwater
	UnderwaterSound.Playing = CameraUnderwater

I personally went to the video and checked it out but I personally just made my own script for the water system by using the part in bounds but don’t worry I check the performance and it is low.

I know it looks like a lot but I did some simple disconnecting for it on death so that it won’t leak any memory on the connections. The sound I used is stored in the sound service but you can change the variables if you want.

I just did some simple enabling properties and I tested in game and studio and found no errors on my side.

The script is located in StarterGui

I hope it works!!!

Screenshot 2024-06-23 052927

local WorkspaceService = game:GetService("Workspace")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local lightningService = game:GetService("Lighting")
local SoundService = game:GetService("SoundService")
local Camera =  WorkspaceService.CurrentCamera

--[[Global Variables]]--

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local IncludeParts = {

local params =
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {IncludeParts} -- Instance that only include

local watersound = SoundService.UnderWaterSound
local hitbox = -- Change the hitbox if you feel like it

local RunConnection, HumanoidConnection


local function UpdateCamera()
	local partsincamera = WorkspaceService:GetPartBoundsInBox(Camera.CFrame, hitbox, params)
	local isinwater = (#partsincamera > 0)
	lightningService.Blur.Enabled = isinwater
	lightningService.ColorCorrection.Enabled = isinwater
	if isinwater and not watersound.IsPlaying then
	elseif not isinwater and watersound.IsPlaying then
	partsincamera = {} -- Just to reset the table

local function OnDeath() -- Just to remove connections on death for memory leaks
	HumanoidConnection:Disconnect() RunConnection:Disconnect()
	HumanoidConnection = nil RunConnection = nil
	lightningService.Blur.Enabled = false lightningService.ColorCorrection.Enabled = false

--[[Events / Connections]]--

HumanoidConnection = humanoid.Died:Connect(OnDeath)
RunConnection = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(UpdateCamera)

Thank you for your hard work! but i wanna make changing atmosphere when the camera is underwater. everything else is working good

What property are you trying to change? the color?

Could just simply use this:

Screenshot 2024-06-23 062932

AH THANK YOU!! it worked!!
thank you so much for your help

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