How can i make the parts inside a model go transparent at the same time - Traffic Light Scripting Help

How can i make it so that each 10 seconds the parts inside these models go transparent and come back (Example: Green (10 seconds) - Yellow (5 seconds) - Red (15 seconds) in a loop., after the countdown is done the parts inside need to go transparent, i tried unioning the parts inside but it just messed up their position in a weird way.


Use a for loop and maybe create a new thread in every loop.

Here is some template code:

local function makeModelTransparent(model, transparency)
    -- Loop over each child of the model
    for index, child in ipairs(model:GetChildren())
        -- If the child is a type of part, make it transparent
        if child:IsA("BasePart") then
            child.Transparency = transparency

Here is an example of this being used:

while true do
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.GreenBir, 0)
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.YellowBir, 1)
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.RedBir, 1)
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.GreenBir, 1)
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.YellowBir, 0)
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.RedBir, 1)
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.GreenBir, 1)
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.YellowBir, 1)
    makeModelTransparent(script.Parent.Bir.RedBir, 0)

I would recommend trying out some AI tools (eg GPT, the built-in studio ones, etc) for things like this, they can often code basic things like this somewhat reliably.

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