How can I make the pressing button script work?

Hey I am no way a pro when it comes to scripting. The script is supposed to make the “door” disappear when a player presses it.

Any type of help I would deeply appreciate :slight_smile:


im also using the ZonePlus that is located in my Replicated Storage


also heres what my explorer looks like too

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When the player exits the zone you have an if statement to check if down is false and then you make it false again i think changing that might fix it


hiya thanks so much for responding. I think I did what youve suggested but still doesnt work :sob: maybe im doing something wrong?

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Oh no i meant to change the if statement not remove it,

after playerexited event gets fired change the if statement to be if down then instead of if not down then

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ohhhh thats what you meant lol :joy: i caught that mistake after I posted but for some reason it still isnt working though. Maybe its the zoneplus script i got in my replicated storage?


oh, then it might be the events, can you check if anything prints after those events are fired?

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Localscripts do not run in the workspace


Oh yea that is a local script i didn’t realize


Oh yeah I just changed it to a script and it still isnt working. maybe i am just dumb lol

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i appreciate yalls responses and trying to help me. it just doesnt work but i appreciate it anyways xD

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Does the script not run at all? Have you tried adding a singular print statement to see if it does anything

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yeah its just not working at all :frowning:

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im not really experienced with scripting either lol

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Does anything print before zoneModule?


nope… not sure why. I don’t wanna keep wasting your time but i truly appreciate yalls time helping me. Ill just figure something else out

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So you set it to a regular script and it still doesn’t work? Perhaps it’s the RunContext? Check what RunContext it is set to. You can check it by clicking on the script and seeing the properties

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I just checked the runContext. Its at legacy

What the hell
The script is all normal but it doesn’t run AT ALL??
Are you sure there’s no errors in the output or anything interfering with the script ?