The arm near the end of the animation just flips up, how can I make it look more natural?
so do you want it to flip up? or just make it quicker?
Add a recoil to the animation (definition 2)
So basically, instead of the arm going straight to his face, his head will lean backward, and his arm will go slightly backward, then the bandage grab will happen. In other words, make it seem as if he needs a little momentum to grab it
Oh nevermind you mean his right arm?
Sorry I’m late, yes the right arm.
The right arm looks very unnatural, I just need help trying to fix it
So the left arm is pulling down the eye wrap but I’m not sure what the right hand is doing. Why does it go up? I think that info will help
You’ll see that he puts his hands up and proceeds to cross his fingers, although R6 and most rigs don’t have fingers, I’d like to match the movement the character also does.
I animate with r6 as well and I agree this particular gesture is tricky for any rig
Try a subtle but very quick rotation of the arm, timed exactly when the sound effect starts. Or perhaps try him raising the arm up, then like beveling it in sync with the sound effect.
If this makes zero sense I can try animating it and see what you think
Some of it is gibberish, I don’t understand what you mean by beveling the arm. Do you mean arcing it? If so I don’t know how to do that
Okay I’m not in my laptop now but I’ll animate it when I am
Maybe make the arm bounce down abit