How can I make this build better? (2)

Hello! I recently made a lowpoly graveyard build. Any suggestions on how I can make it better?
Here is the picture:


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Hey @R4gingNoob!

Before making a post like this again, refer to these resources:



Be precise with what you’re asking for

What does “better” mean? Aesthetic or functionally ‘better’? Be direct and descriptive of what you want to improve. Since you didn’t specify I’ll give you both critiques.

“How can I make it better” (Aesthetically)
Full stop, put in more effort.
You copy and pasted the same multi-beveled gravestone 10 times, added a floor and edited lighting.

What you can work on first is to stop building without a plan, visualize what your end goal is, draw up or find concepts that capture what you’re looking for in the end. Asking for help while presenting so little does you & the person reading the post a disservice, we can’t help you and you will receive subjective help that is typically irrelevant.

“How can I make it better” (Functionally)
Clear your assets from the workspace, create a model set that you’ll use. Imagine it as a toolbox of structures & shapes that’ll either guide how the player interacts / plays in your world.

Understand what type of game you’re making, if it’s a FPS have strong angles of elevation and make sure every path eventually leads to another, eliminate dead ends.
If it’s an open world, make sure that it’s framed as such so players are guided towards a point of interest of lured into an area where mobs will spawn.

Before you post again, present your request for help thoughtfully and thoroughly. This style of post does not help you or will help others help you

Leaving note: Exhaust your own creative resources and experiment first before asking for help. It looks and feels like you want someone to make your world for you in this post because of your lack of effort

Hello! Try to make some tombstone broken and add some details or changing colors from a tombstone to a tombstone. Good job man!