Does anyone know how I can make this build better?
Add some texture, make the sky a little darker that is brighter than light mode.
Some sky color so It’s look good and some decoration around it
It’s super bright my eyes are burning. It does look pretty nice though.
Maybe texture the buildings a little bit?
Decrease the lighting
Add more detail
Maybe add some stuff
Add other colors besides cyan
Add meshes or texture.
Hope this helps! -TheDevDoge
My eyes hurt because of you.
Why is it so bright
I thought you were at the dentist.
Wow that was off-topic lol I didn’t expect that
I feel like it too brightness for me
Made it a bit low and add some few texture that could be nice ( My suggest )
He said he was in the dentist at another post so I got confused.
Ok lol
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Yeah like many people have said it is extremely bright. You should add some objects other than the fountain, and you probably should not make everything neon.
Make the buildings not so bright, and maybe different colors. Add some foliage maybe, and even add grass or a path around the fountain.