How can I make this look better while keeping the retro-esque style? (e.g., making the roof smaller in height)

If you’re going for retro then you can’t really change much.

I’d lose the extra green baseplate part under the house though. If you are trying for more “realistic” architecture with a retro feel then houses generally don’t have a grass baseplate that sticks up higher than the grass in the lawn. Same with sidewalks having ankle twisting steps down onto the grass.

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I think the retro aesthetic comes from how blocky (and iconic) the build is.

depending on how far you are trying to go.

layers - its a very flat build, but that’s what makes it classic. If you want it to look “better” add layers. The windows are flush against the walls, bring them in/out a bit. same with the door.

details - bushes, trees, a mailbox, a door, window panes. Smaller details like a doorknob, doorbell, and something to attach the lights to the wall.

size ratio - its currently long and flat, landscape, perhaps you can make it more square or more portrait.

reference - if you intend to keep the long and flatness of the build but want to “yassify” the houses. Perhaps you could do something like this


interesting takes, i will try to incorporate some of this, but i probably won’t be going too far as to not push outside of the “retro” boundaries. thanks!

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