How can I make this more efficient?

I’m working on a class fighting game and for one of my classes I had an idea to have a passive ability where every kill increases the damage of one of your abilities and the code works, however, I wanted to know what I could do to make it more efficient.

local PlayerKills = {} -- seperate from the CombatHandler and used for the reapers passive ability

-- damage increases the more kills you get maxes out at 10 kills for a total of 20 damage
Reaper.Ability2 = function(character,check)
	local multiplier = PlayerKills[character.Name] or 0
	if multiplier >= 10 then multiplier = 10 end
	local Cooldown = 3
	local AttackTime = 2.2
	local Damage = 2 * multiplier
	if check then
		return Cooldown, AttackTime, Damage
		PlayerKills[character.Name] = 0 -- reset 

	if ClassHandler:GetPlayersClass(player) ~= "Reaper" then return end -- if their class isn't a reaper ignore them
	PlayerKills[player.Name] = amountOfKills
-- CombatHandler
if damage > humanoid.Health and humanoid.Health > 0 then
	if not PlayerKills[player.Name] then
		PlayerKills[player.Name] = 1
		PlayerKills[player.Name] = PlayerKills[player.Name] + 1

I don’t think you can make this more efficient in any major way. It looks good to me!

for the first thing, the only improvement I see is using math.clamp rather than logic to check if the number is over a cap

local PlayerKills = {} -- seperate from the CombatHandler and used for the reapers passive ability

-- damage increases the more kills you get maxes out at 10 kills for a total of 20 damage
Reaper.Ability2 = function(character,check)
	local multiplier = math.clamp(PlayerKills[character.Name] or 0, 0, 10) --math.clamp can be used to easily set upper and lower bounds for numbers without needing logic
	local Cooldown = 3
	local AttackTime = 2.2
	local Damage = 2 * multiplier
	if check then
		return Cooldown, AttackTime, Damage
		PlayerKills[character.Name] = 0 -- reset 

	if ClassHandler:GetPlayersClass(player) ~= "Reaper" then return end -- if their class isn't a reaper ignore them
	PlayerKills[player.Name] = amountOfKills

If you really want to squeeze every last drop of performance out of this, you could just use logic to do all of the top stuff in 1 line

-- CombatHandler
if damage > humanoid.Health and humanoid.Health > 0 then
    local PlayerSpecificKills = PlayerKills[player.Name]

    PlayerKills[player.Name] = PlayerSpecificKills and PlayerSpecificKills + 1 or 1 --if PlayerKills[PlayerName] then PlayerKills[PlayerName] + 1 else 1

other than this, your script seems fine