So the part I want to make spin slower is this:
(It’s 55³)
Now, This is the script I currently have for it:
local RunService = game:GetService'RunService'
local rad = math.rad
local clock = os.clock
local noise = math.nois
local random = math.random
local Heartbeat = RunService.Heartbeat
local bullsquid = workspace:WaitForChild("Cube")
local xseed = random(10000, 100000)
local yseed = random(10000, 100000)
local zseed = random(10000, 100000)
while true do
local x = noise(xseed, clock() % 1000 * 0.5) * 360
local y = noise(yseed, clock() % 1000 * 0.5) * 360
local z = noise(zseed, clock() % 1000 * 0.5) * 360
bullsquid.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(rad(x), rad(y), rad(z))
And this is what happens:
robloxapp-20210619-2025240.wmv (888.2 KB)
I want to make it spin like this but even slower:
Any ways to make the script better and slow the spinning down?