How can I make this textlabel rainbow

Here’s the script:

local groupID = 17172847

	local groupRank = player:GetRoleInGroup(groupID)
	local clone = script.Rank:Clone()
	clone.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name).Head
	clone.Frame.Name1.Text = player.Name
	clone.Frame.Rank.Text = groupRank
		local groupRank = player:GetRoleInGroup(groupID)
		local clone = script.Rank:Clone()
		clone.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name).Head
		clone.Frame.Name1.Text = player.Name
		clone.Frame.Rank.Text = groupRank

What are you trying to achieve? The title just says “rainbow” do you mean a rainbow gradient? Colour changing?

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just use a ui gradient and put like a few colors

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how do i do that? I’m new to gradients.

yes, a rainbow color changing.

This should work, also pretty lag efficient

while task.wait(1/20) do 
	script.Parent.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 20/20, 1, 1)

Put this code in a script inside your rank TextLabel


Any loop isnt very efficient.

It’s updating every one 20th of a second, best method of doing this smoothly I’ve found so far as it only peaks at 0.2% activity

That’s still not very efficient, if you are Handling this on the Server with multiple Players, it will cause lag.

And no it does not wait a 20th of a Second, task.wait() is not always accurate with its yielding when it comes to time, its faster then the Deprecated wait(), but its still not accurate with small numbers.

Here’s a post with an example rainbow gradient:

Here is a method I sometimes use, you can do alot with manipulating UIGradients, definitely something to learn if you want to make your UI look 100x better.


uigradient.rbxl (47.4 KB)


but how do i make it so that only the owner and specfic roles can have rainbow color

Go into the script inside of the textlabel, and set Enabled to false by unchecking the box. When cloning the label to the players character, set Enabled to true if they are a rank you want to have a rainbow name tag

Could you please help me with that?

local groupID = 17172847

	local groupRank = player:GetRoleInGroup(groupID)
	local clone = script.Rank:Clone()
	clone.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name).Head
	clone.Frame.Name1.Text = player.Name
	clone.Frame.Rank.Text = groupRank
		local groupRank = player:GetRoleInGroup(groupID)
		local clone = script.Rank:Clone()
        local UIGradient ="UIGradient")

		clone.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name).Head
		clone.Frame.Name1.Text = player.Name
		clone.Frame.Rank.Text = groupRank

Just edit colors of UIGradient

Your method… is good but why localscript instead of script , i wanna make compatible without RunService

It’s preferred to bind runservice events locally if you care about optimisation.