So in criminality, there is a pretty clean blackout effect shown here: ROBLOX Criminality 1.5 Blackout Event On All Maps - YouTube and i’ve always wanted to somehow recreate it but i just can’t get the effects and sound effects right. Any suggestions on how i can make it smoother and better?
All i’m asking for is a “list” of the proper sound effects needed and any suggestions; Since i couldn’t find any.
Tween a ColorCorrection object (under lighting folder) from the client, where the tint color is black.
Do i tween it to full black or light black? Because my approach was to disable every light instance in workspace.
Pretty sure its Fog or Color Correction.
It’s just some Post-Processing effects, you can use many things for this. Fog, ColorCorrection, etc. It’s just your player’s view distance clouded.
So Ive actually played this game before, what they do is they search through all the lights and neon parts in the workspace, and then disable them (You should probably also add the neon parts to a table and the lights in a separate table for later ). They also tinker with the lighting’s time, sky and fog
Then they just wait until its over, then search through the tables and re-enable all lights and set the neon parts back to its original material.
I would make a script to demonstrate it but I don’t know how your game will work
Sorry for the long post, this is my first dev forum post but I though I might as well try and help someone else.
That’s what i did expect for neon part. I’m still trying to figure out how to store materials in a table.
You don’t store the materials in a table. You need to use this:
local neonParts = {}
for i, brick in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants) do
if brick:IsA(“BasePart”) and brick.Material == Enum.Materials.Neon then
neonParts:insert(neonParts, brick)
my bad, it is workspace:GetDescendants() not workspace:GetDescendants