How can I move a decal?

How can I move a decal on a part? without using other parts
what if I want a decal to be in the corner of a part, or to the side?
also for meshparts?

also is it possible to rotate a decal?

Could you please elaborate? Didn’t really understand. Also photos would be helpful.

You can go to the properties of the decal and switch its Face property to whatever face you want it. Meshparts act similar to parts. Read the sentence above.

No. Since decals are not parts and only 2d images its impossible to rotate a decal. However, you can rotate the part and scale it to match what orientation you want it to be.

You can create a Texture instead of a Decal. Textures can be offset in the U and V axes so you can fine tune where it sits on the face of a Part.

Also a SurfaceGui can be used which can be moved with scale and position.

Well a texture has a repeating decal, so I guess I can try to figure out a surface gui, although it seems to have a ton of useless properties that don’t do anything.