How can I move a Models Position with code?

Its kinda in the title but what I want to do is clone a model filled with parts (I will need to access each part of the model) and changes its position. (the model’s position). There seems not to be a position property on a model even when I set a primary part.

Any help will be Awesome! :smiley:


You need to use MoveTo or SetPrimaryPartCFrame. The difference between the two is that MoveTo changes the model’s position with a Vector3s, while SetPrimaryPartCFrame changes the model’s position and orientation with a CFrame

local model = script.Parent
model:MoveTo(, 10, 0)) -- move 10 studs up in the y-axis from the origin
model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(, 20, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(45), 0)) -- move 20 studs in the y-axis from the origin and rotate 45 degrees in the y-axis

Update: Note that SetPrimaryPartCFrame is deprecated in favour of the PivotTo function based on the model’s pivot offset


To move a model you need to set a Primary Part. Once you have that you just need to use SetPrimaryPartCFrame and the whole model will move.


That would be model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(). There is more information here: Model | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub, but in short you can do this:

model.PrimaryPart = --specific part here (you can also set this in the properties window)
--then do something like:

EDIT: Please note that with SetPrimaryPartCFrame() you can move your model inside of something (good or bad depending on use case), but if you want to avoid this please use Model:MoveTo(Vector3) as @Raretendoblox has said. MoveTo moves it up until it no longer collides with anything


Mine isn’t.
In my scenario, this moves only the primary part.
I’m personally trying to move a model out of replicated storage and into Workspace, but it will only move the primary part.


Can’t you just do this?

local model = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Model")

model.Parent = workspace

I believe that this topic is about changing the CFrame position of a model, not where it is located.


This worked after some tinkering. Thank you, this was a pain to get working.

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Just so you know setprimarypartcframe is deteriorating so we now get to use :PivotTo (it’s basically the same thing)