How can I move a Truss without players falling off

This is what’s happening at the moment (try to ignore the pop up. It’s not relevant) I would like to move with the truss.

How do I do that?

Maybe try adding a invisible truss and place a part bottom of the truss and when it is going up then this part is gonna scale up and blocks trussing on here you can do it top of the truss too

oh it is going to right&left position. I didn’t watched video… Umm

did you tried weldıng truss to character?

I’m guessing you are CFraming the Truss movement. You didn’t explain anything about how you are moving it, what type of scripts you use, or the scripts themselves so we can’t really help you without more information…

If you CFrame a Part that a player is standing on (or climbing on) the player won’t move with it.
I’d suggest using a PrismaticConstraint as a physical method of moving the Truss.

The truss has a body mover in it, which I move with the tween service.

To move a Truss without players falling off in Roblox, you will need to use the Workspace:MoveTo() function to smoothly move the Truss from its current position to its new position. This function takes two arguments: the object to move, and the target position.

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