How can i move all of the terrain in the same game

I accidentally created map bellow Y = -500, and the spawns don’t work correctly, they spawn me at -500 and then i fall down to the spawns. Bassically what i’m trying to do is to either fix the spawns or to move all of the terrain, and seems like moving all of the terrain is better.
The issue is that the map i want to move is huge and i can’t move portions because that would take alot of time. I have found some solutions like copying terrain from game to game using the Terrain Save and Load plugin but it seems to always paste the terrain at the exact position.

Is there a method to do this?


Just use the terrain tool in roblox studio, using the move tool, to move it up as much as you want.

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I could maybe modify the plugin to add an offset ability but It’ll take me a bit.
I haven’t looked at the source code yet so I’ll have to look at it first to even see If I can

Edit - Modified the UI to fit my other plugins UI Scheme.


Terrain Save and Load | Modernized

I present to you the modernized version of Terrain Save and Load!

This plugin does use a very portion of the original It was mostly just me adding on to it and redesigning the original UI


I made a tutorial of how to use Egomoose’s terrain save plugin to combine terrain from two places. Part of that shows you how to place the terrain wherever you like.

I don’t know if @wallofgarlic plugin might be easier to do this. Seems like it might.

My tutorial shows you have to move any models you may have placed as well.


Alright this method is the most efficient, thank you so much for your help.