How can i obfuscate my script?

I want to learn how can i obfuscate a script! without any obfuscator
Ik we can use aztupscripts obfuscator

but i want to learn how can i obfuscate script myself?

any ideas?


I personally use this plugin made by Defaultio, and its very nice and it does the job good.


Okay, thanks i will try… This but how can i obfuscate my own?

It’s worth noting that obfuscation is what some of us call security through obscurity – the belief that a system is safe so long as no unauthorized user can understand the internal workings of the code.

If you’re relying on only obfuscation to protect your code, I would remind you that nothing is too hard to crack. Exploiters and interested parties can automate deobfuscation/beautification and ruin your attempts to protect your code.

Also, having to deobfuscate and then obfuscate again each time you want to make an edit isn’t so hot, at least in my opinion. Good server security, sanity checks, and understanding the server-client relationship (and what clients have access to inherently) are the way to go.

However, if you’re just interested in obfuscation as an extra layer of protection, right on! @DaffyDavinko’s post should be quite helpful.


I wouldn’t recommend to try it yourself since its pretty hard and time consuming + there are some plugins that do that already and more professional maybe than your variant of the script, but you can try and find a open-source obsfucator or a post related to this topic to try to program this yourself. :slight_smile:

Why not focus on learning how to make your systems more secure in and of themselves so that you don’t need to worry about an exploiter seeing your code in the first place?

Obfuscation is only going to work so long as the viewer is lazy - if they aren’t than obfuscation is nothing more to them than a veil that can be lifted in a matter of seconds.

I wouldn’t recommend obfuscation because it doesn’t benefit you whatsoever, it makes debugging a pain in the ass, nothing more, nothing less.

You’re absolutely right, I would also add that if an exploiter sees an obfuscated code, they’ll most likely understand the importance of the code and focus on it, so it’s really of no help and can even be accelerating a security break in your network.

im pretty sure obfuscation and minimization are not the same thing man