hello! I’m making a script that will let the player choose a FOV within a number range. how could I make that the player only enters numbers into the TextBox? and how can I return to the previous FOV they had if they do use letters?
another question is if making it a slider would just be better? and if it is how would I do such a thing?
local textBox = script.Parent -- or wherever
function stripNonNumbers()
textBox.Text = textBox.Text:gsub("%D","")
textBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(stripNonNumbers) will detect whenever the text is changed and call stripNonNumbers
textBox.Text:gsub("%D","") replaces anything that is not a digit with an empty string, effectively removing non-numbers.
If you want it instead to return it to the previous FOV, you could use this instead:
local textBox = script.Parent -- or wherever
local lastFov = 100
function setFov()
local newFov = tonumber(textBox.Text)
if newFov then
lastFov = newFov
camera ... --[[or whatver]] ... fov = newFov
textBox.Text = lastFov
Now, setFov is called whenever the user clicks off of the textbox and it gets the value inputted as a number.
If the number is valid, it sets the last valid fov (lastFov) and you can make it set the camera’s fov there.
If the number is invalid, then the textbox’s text is set to the last valid fov.