How can I place a UI at the right of the screen?

Hello! In my game, to briefly explain it made 2 UI to turn the camera subject, for the first one, the UI is on the left corner of the screen, but the second one, it is not.

I have tried anchor points and scale position. Anyone can give me a tip?

For more info about the UI size:

Size {0,400},{0,32}
Rotation: -90

Sorry if it’s a bit of a dumb question.

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I dont know if I am not catching the question but why cant you move the button to the right in UI editor

I can’t put it at the end of the screen like the left one. I tried using anchor points and positionning with Scale

oh you want to both rotate and put in the right side of the screen?

what is the current position of the frame in the left side?

I think it’s

Position {-0.45,0} for X
Or maybe that was the anchor point.

That is probably the anchor point.

Yeah I think it is. Sorry for no remembering and having the exact thing, it’s late where I’m at.

Go sleep no problem, I do need to know the position to be able to help you

Ok! I’ll respond to you tomorrow. No problem!