How can I play different music in the lobby and during the round?

Here is script

-- Arrays of asset IDs for lobby and round music
local lobby_id = {"rbxassetid://1844683265"}
local round_id = {"rbxassetid://1842725760"}

-- Music sound objects in the workspace
local lobby_music = workspace.Music["Lobby music"]
local round_music = workspace.Music["Round music"]

-- IsGame BoolValue to determine the current game state
local IsGame = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("IsGame")

-- Function to handle music changes based on game state
	if IsGame.Value then
		-- When the game starts, stop lobby music and play round music
		local chosen_round_music = round_id[math.random(1, #round_id)]
		round_music.SoundId = chosen_round_music
		-- When the game ends, stop round music and play lobby music
		local chosen_lobby_music = lobby_id[math.random(1, #lobby_id)]
		lobby_music.SoundId = chosen_lobby_music

-- Start with lobby music by default
local chosen_lobby_music = lobby_id[math.random(1, #lobby_id)]
lobby_music.SoundId = chosen_lobby_music

What should I add?

Can you be more specific about your question? Just by reading your code I can’t find the problem that you want to solve.

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My musics doesn’t work, should I make parts?

Your code works just fine. Here’s a place file with it working. I made no changes to the code.

Sound.rbxl (54.9 KB)

Thank you so much! It’s works.

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