I want to be able to print every output log from the server (all prints, errors and warns) into the client F9 Developer Console screen. Is there any way to do that? I have looked around before and nobody seems to have done this before.
It would help me out a lot as I have a singleplayer game which I suspect is having issues in a ServerScript, but it’s not replicable on my end consistently and clients playing aren’t logging any issues (because, most likely, the culprate is a ServerScript) so I’m left in the dark to what the problem might be.
Server side prints, errors and warns do NOT appear for the client. Only the server. You can see those because you are the owner of the place, but players aren’t able to see server logs. I need something that relays those back to the client.
You can view all your game errors when played from all players in your game analytics>error report, including all clients and servers. The prints and warns, I don’t know how, you should just play your game as an owner
Again, the error isn’t replicable on my end. Only certain players get it sometimes. I don’t know why and I think the culprate is a server script. I can’t just join them because it’s a singleplayer game.
Hello, the mysterious error isn’t something obvious. I’ve tried looking through error report and “fixing” it multiple times. I am already aware that this is not the best practice, but this error happens to SOME players RARELY, and it is fixed with a rejoin (rejoining does nothing special on the script-side).
I’ve tried replicating it thousands of times by joining on my phone with mobile data, local test, asking friends… etc. It is not possible for me to replicate this consistently, but I keep getting the odd report of players getting softlocked for it. When this happens, I want to have a full view of what exactly the output is both on the client and the server.