How can I protect my vehicle/car system from exploiters?

I haven’t seen much posts talking about how to protect vehicle system against exploiters so I started this topic.

I would like my vehicle system to be at least a little secure against exploiters. For instance a system that prevents the car from teleporting. I would like to know some tips on how I could accomplish that.

Here is a video of my vehicle system (This vehicle system is not A-Chassis):

My vehicle system sets the network ownership of the wheels and main part to the player sitting in the vehicle seat allowing the player to teleport it anywhere they want if they are exploiting. They could also change the wheel friction, which also impacts the cars performance. They can even create a script that constantly gives the cylindrical constraints a lot of torque, making the car accelerate a lot faster.

Here is how my vehicle system setup look like (All instances with a green dot are network ownership of the player when seated):

Possible solution: I could set the network ownership to the server and let the server calculate torque and angular velocity, but then the car would be unresponsive and very laggy.

Idea: Maybe its possible to check the position and wheel friction time to time in a server script to prevent the exploiter to teleport the vehicle. How could I implement this as efficient is possible?

Big thanks to those who read this post. You obviously don’t need to make a whole script for me, I just want some tips on how I could secure my vehicle system at least a little bit. Any tips are welcome!

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