How can I publish an animation without a dummy to my group?

Hey there, I’m having a problem with animation publishing. If you could suggest a solution that would be awesome.

  1. What do you want to achieve? I would like to be able to publish a sword idle animation under my group.

  2. What is the issue? It is not my animation and does not have a dummy with AnimSaves on it

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried copy and pasting the animation URL into a web browser but that just comes up with a 404.

I am currently using “Nom’s Modded Droplet’s RPG Kit” as I am a total beginner with scripting.

You need to have a KeyframeSequence instance. This is the raw animation information that gets uploaded to the website and packaged into an AssetId when you export from the animation plugin. Without a KeyframeSequence, you can’t publish any materials as an animation asset.

If it’s not your animation then you will need to ask the creator of the animation asset in question for the KeyframeSequence to upload or create your own. Seeing as you’re using a kit that doesn’t provide raw animation files you will need to create your own animation.

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Thank you, I’ll try that out and see what happens.

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