How can i randomize a players hair when they join the game?

How can i randomize a players hair when they join a game

( No i don’t mean character custom or they get to choose it they just spawn with it randomly )


Please don’t ask for full scripts from people on dev forum.

To answer your question, you can try to make a folder that contains all the hair, then GetChildren() of that folder. Then use math.random to randomly choose a hair.

Never asked for the full script, bud.


Then may can you take my advice and see if it works? You should reply everything in one comment/post.

What I would do is you would have a folder in replicatedstorage, and you would do a for loop to get the children of the folder,

local Folder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“Folder”)

for i, hairs in pairs(Folder:GetChildren()) do
local Chosen = math.random(—Put it in—)

if Chosen then
— Weld to characters head…

Create a folder with Accesories or Hats, then, create a script, when player joins the game he wil be given a random accesory.If you want people to give you full scripts, you are in violation of ToS dude. If you dont know how to do the script, then hire someone

Lel, I dont think welds are a good idea, I would use an accesory or hat instead

Oh yeah, did not think about that.

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I agree with this. Although, he just asked how in general he would do it, not for the full script.

Ok! It is sometimes necessary to remember ToS, @LuaMario if I understood incorreclty, Im sorry!

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No, welding work perfectly fine since im using custom hair’s.

Yeah, but using accessories is the best idea for this, or a motor6d, but a motor6d would essentially work like the weld so it would be up to you :slightly_smiling_face:

If you work with welds, script will be harder and maybe buggy, using accesories or Hats is the best, you just have to clone it into the local player´s character :slight_smile: