How can i randomly pick one item from a dictionary/table?

I have a module script with a function that is supposed to randomly pick a question from a dictionary that is inside the same module script, but i don’t know how to do such. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

You could show your dictionary too :yum:

Can you show how the table looks like? Do you use strings as keys, or do you use numbered indexes ? The solution can vary based on the structure of your questions table.

I use strings as keys. Every question is a smaller dictionary containing five items, all with the same names from their correspondant in each other question: command, which is the question text itself; answers 1, 2 and 3, being all incorrect answers; and the correct answer

It looks something like this:

local questions = {
    local question1 = {
        command = "what is a mitochondria?"
        ans1 = "a group of cells"
        ans2 = "the core of a cell"
        ans3 = "an organelle that exclusively produces enzymes"
        correctAns = "an organelle that produces energy for the cell, using oxygen"

Sorry, while you were replying I was doing fun stuff xD
I would try something like this:

The module

local module = {}

module.Questions = {
	{Q = "First moon landing date?", Answ = {A = "Never earth is flat", B = "Today", C = "Yesterday"}, Correct = "A" },
	{Q = "Second moon landing date?", Answ = {A = "Never earth is a hamburger", B = "Today", C = "Yesterday"}, Correct = "B" }

module.ChooseQuestion = function()
	local randInt = math.random(1, #module.Questions)
	warn("Question:", module.Questions[randInt]["Q"])
	warn("Posible answers:", module.Questions[randInt]["Answ"])
	for k, an in pairs(module.Questions[randInt]["Answ"]) do
		warn(k, an)
	warn("Correct Answer:", module.Questions[randInt]["Correct"])

return module

A script calling the module

local module = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("ModuleScript")) -- connection for the module


And the output when calling for a question:

Firstly the way you ordered the table is a little wrong. Here is how I would suggest doing it, and also how you can pick a random question:

local questions = {
	[1] = {
		command = "what is a mitochondria?",
		ans1 = "a group of cells",
		ans2 = "the core of a cell",
		ans3 = "an organelle that exclusively produces enzymes",
		correctAns = "an organelle that produces energy for the cell, using oxygen",
	[2] = {
		command = "what is a citocondria?",
		ans1 = "a group of cells",
		ans2 = "the core of a cell",
		ans3 = "an organelle that exclusively produces enzymes",
		correctAns = "an organelle that produces energy for the cell, using oxygen",

local randQuestion = questions[math.random(1,#questions)]

Afterwards, you can access the different keys as follows:

print(randQuestion.command, randQuestion.correctAns)

Thanks! i will be doing that when i have time to lol

Your solution seems interesting too, i might take a look into it later as well

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I think that embedded tables gives you more room to store and handle more stuff, getting all possible answers, the question, the correct one using a key :yum:

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