How can I re-create Animal Crossing's camera effect?

Greetings! I want to re-create the camera seen in Animal Crossing:

Its like rotated going up and down, and you are able to see the sky. I do not know how to make this, as I am making a 1 to 1 re-creation of New Leaf with some of New Horizon’s features.

Thanks in advance!


Try using Camera Manipulation to lock the camera in a certain spot. Maybe this video could help: Advanced Roblox Scripting Tutorial #28 - Camera Manipulation (Beginner to Pro 2020) - YouTube


Will that make it have the same effect as being able to see the sky, and not being able to see behind you?

It’s based on just how you manipulate it. You can really do anything.

I know how to work the camera, but I do not know how to re-create the Animal Crossing effect. Gonna pull my Switch and show real fast.

Im trying to re-create this effect, where the farther you go, things disappear, while the sky is always in frame.

You could update the Camera’s CFrame , such that its infront of the player irrespective of the orientation and looks towards the Character.

Camera.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(Position + Offset,Position)
Where Position is the character’s position while Offset is the offset applied to the Position.

This doesn’t answer the question, as this won’t replicate the whole spherical nature of the map, only the camera position.
To @BillB1ox, the best you could probably do is put everything on actual sphere and use something like a gravity controller module to make the character walk around on it.


Didn’t even realize that its a spherical map

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Funny story, I did this too but for a Legend of Zelda based game. It was super hard and I think I did it wrong but if you want I’ll send you the code when I get on a device with studio.

Then that means the map wouldn’t look good… I thought the effect was done with a camera.

That would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

It probably was, but I don’t think Roblox allows for the effects needed to recreate the effect.