How Can i Remove A Certain Currency From Everyone In My Game

Hello! ok, so in my game i have 2 currencies, Coins & Orbs.

I need help resetting everyone’s Orbs.

Does anyone know how i can do that? Thanks!!! :smiley:

Could you please provide the script you currently have?

If you’re using regular leaderstats, you can iterate through every player and set their value.

for _, player in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
	local stats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
	if (stats ~= nil) then
		local orbs = stats:FindFirstChild("Orbs")
		if (orbs ~= nil) then
			orbs.Value = 0

What script? leaderstats script?

ok, so would i put that in the command bar?

Do you want to reset the orb stats once or do you want to create like a button that wipes data?

just wanna reset it once.

30 chars

If you change the name of the

local orb = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(“ChangeThisName”)

It pretty much works as creating an entirely new datastore. Doesn’t wipe the data from the original but it works.

what do i change “ChangeThisName” to?

Whatever you like as long as it is not the same as the name for your Coins save or original Orb save.

wait where do i put the script XD?

ServerScriptService. Where did you originally put it .-.