How can I remove this outline?

This helps only with normal roblox materials but not with textures. As I said in previous response you can see the black edges even if they are close under another part.

Probably not, atleast I did not find any other solution for it outside of that I already told you.

Regarding the material suggestion, I noticed when I use it, every new part it puts in a random rotation and a random texture offset. Can I somehow prevent this behavior?

We will probably have to either wait for roblox to do something with it or use unions if we want to use textures that way.

Can you send picture please? This is how it works for me.

I put the material as Glacier to make it more noticeable.

This is minus of some basic materials, other do not have these lines that much visible.
You can Union it or make Meshpart from it, I prefer Meshpart because it does not make that much weird collsions.

If you do not know how to make meshparts you can make them by exporting selected parts with right click and them importing the file to spawned meshpart that you can spawn in menu that you can open with Ctrl+ I.

But bare in mind that you cannot then separate the meshpart as it is with union!

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Update: I discovered in what circunstance this happens. Please refer to this drawing, which should be better at explaining than I am.

Despite understanding the problem, I still can not fix it.

I will try using the meshpart and give some feedback afterwards. Thanks in advance. Unfortunetly I can not use unions here, though.

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Why do you have to use Textures on the Parts instead of just making the Part a Material? If you need different textures on the other side of the Part you could try putting a Texture on the less noticeable side. You can also make another series of Parts underneath which are a different texture but only stick below the surface by .002 studs or so, and are .002 studs away from the inner edges of the stairway hole.

So the rotation and offset of the materials are not random by part.

the parts are not the same size on the top, texture doesnt matter, this may also happen because you are looking at it from far away

Wrong. It does matter. I have tried without the textures and these lines do not show up. It also has nothing to do with distance. At least when I playtest normally, they still show up.

then it should be the size and Z position difference on the top

Are you using a custom texture or a Roblox one?

Its not, I double checked it multiple times too.

A custom texture.

Can you send the texture here?