so i have a room that for some reason has these lights in the corners of the walls heres a photo
so how can i remove it???
heres my light settings aswell

(sorry if theres already an answer in the forum i didnt know what to particularly type in the search so i can get the answer to this problem)
any help will be appreciated
I believe changing the diffuse or specular scale or making the walls thicker should do the job.
i just tested the environment diiffuse scale fixes the issue
but the problem is everything turns depressed, evertyhing becomes dark for some reason, because i think it turns off reflections.
and i sadly cant make the parts thicker
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I feared that would be the case. This issue isn’t really your fault. It’s a Roblox problem.
Do you have an atmosphere instance in the game? I think that may be main cause, but I understand why you may not want to remove or lessen it.
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i dont have an atompshere in my game
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anyways i dont think there is a solution, and the best solution is what you suggested, to set the environment diffuse scale into 0
hopefully they fix it soon
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