How can I rename something based on its y value

I have multiple objects (hundreds), and I want to rename them in order (1,2,3…) based on it’s y value.
So top or bottom is 1, and the number gets bigger as it goes up/ down. How would I do that?

for i,v in pairs(parts) do
v.Name = v.Position.Y


well I know about that, but I said in order like 1,2,3 and the parts are in all kinds of y axis’, so it would probably look like 1,7,19,21,16

You could put all of the objects’ y-values into an array, then sort them by their y-values. The indices of the array should then match up with the magnitude of the y-values with respect to each other. To sort the array, you could either use your own algorithm or the basic table.sort() method.

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Try this:

local lastPart = 0
for _, part in pairs(parts) do
lastPart = lastPart + 1
part.Name = tostring(lastPart)

If you have the parts in an array, you can sort them by height with table.sort

local parts = {}
table.sort(parts, function(a, b)
     return a.Position.Y < b.Position.Y
-- now that parts are ordered by height, name them based on their index in the table
for index, part in pairs(parts) do
     part.Name = index
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Then you would use table.sort()
Here’s some code I have some code I made for you.

local parts = workspace.Parts:GetChildren() -- This would be folder full of parts you want to rename

local tableToSort = {}

for i,v in pairs(parts) do

		return a[2] < b[2]

for i,v in pairs(tableToSort) do
	if type(v) == "table" then
		v[1].Name = v[2]

This would order them from least to greatest.

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