How can I replicate Adonis script and localscript commands?


i just wanna ask how to make script and localscript commands like adonis does
im tired its like 12:00 AM so this is all im really gonna say (i couldnt find a suitable category for this question so feel free to move it if you think a categorty is more fit for this question)

ok so let me say that again

How can I make a script and a localscript command just like Adonis does?
If you don’t know, Adonis has 2 commands named script and localscript. They are pretty self-explanatory. You input the code you want to run and it runs the code.

Example: ;script workspace.thatrandomnoob23.Humanoid.Health = 0 or ;localscript game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.testguy:Destroy()

pls help

also just to remention its 12:00 AM im tired I will go to sleep so I won’t answer. any help is appreciated though!