What do you want to achieve? I want to reseat a player (make them sit again) on a seat.
What is the issue? Using seat:Sit(humanoid) only sits the player, it doesn’t reseat it.
What solutions have you tried so far? I have tried using seat:Sit(humanoid), but it won’t work. Also on the devforum I found nothing.
NOTE: I have tried disabling, then enabling and sitting the player but it looks really weird and I want to make it seamless.
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I think you want to kill the player then seat him?
If so, then do this:
This should be in a server sided script, because LoadCharacter only works in the server.
I want to reseat them while they’re alive without killing them
I am gonna need some more context, otherwise if it’s just that simple then the code below should work.
It’s like what you sent, but I’ve tried that already and it looks kinda weird.
set their jump power / jump length to something very small and then make them sit?
Why would you even need this though? it sounds utterly useless.
Without a jump, I belive you can just force stand the player by doing Humanoid.Sit = false
and then you can just use the seat:Sit(Humanoid).
If you want no movement at all, try anchoring the player before/after the force stand.