How can I rig the CORNERS of a mesh?

So I have a very, very low poly mesh, like a cube, that I want to rig at each vertex. How would I do that? I kinda know how to rig stuff in blender, but is it possible to make it so that the bones can’t rotate the mesh at all? Just move? Basically I want to be able to grab each vertex of the mesh as a bone.


Try adding bones to the cube at each vertex. (weight painted appropriately) Im not sure what you mean by no rotations (just don’t rotate the bones) Ad as many bones as you need~ (perhaps parent them to a middle(root) bone?

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So I believe that I did everything right, but when I imported the mesh into roblox, all of the bones were in the exact same spot as the main bone.

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Did you apply all transforms before exporting?

Yeah I think what happened was that is was showing the start of the bones, which all of them were at the tip of the root bone. I think I’m probably just going to use laggy scripting instead, unless I can get it to work. I got it pretty close, the only thing is the weights I think which I have no idea how to do.

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maybe this might help?

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