How can I rotate a model depending on where the player is looking?

I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t find an answer!

When I spawn and I use the move, it’s fine.

When I move to a different direction, it doesn’t rotate. How can I fix this?

Any help is appreciated.

Add a primaryPart CFrame for your model and try this code. Change YourModel and plrChar to your path to them

local modelCFrame = YourModel:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
	local PlayerCharCFrame = plrChar:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
   YourModel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(modelCFrame * (PlayerCharCFrame - plrChar.PrimaryPart.Position))

EDIT: Means you need to detect when player moved so add an check

the water wheel won’t teleport to the characters position, i dont know why

local modelCFrame = waterwheel:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
local PlayerCharCFrame = char:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
waterwheel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(modelCFrame * (PlayerCharCFrame - char.PrimaryPart.Position))

when i spawn in char.PrimaryPart is the Head

Char.PrimaryPart should be HumanoidRootPart, did you changed it? Anyways as i already mentioned you need to add check for that. You can try something like that:

local LastCFrame = char.CFrame
     if  (char.CFrame ~= LastCFrame) then
      LastCFrame = char.CFrame
      local modelCFrame = waterwheel:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
      local PlayerCharCFrame = char:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
      waterwheel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(modelCFrame * (PlayerCharCFrame - 

“RenderStepped event can only be used from local scripts”

I’m dumb. I welded the PrimaryPart to the HumanoidRootPart with a WeldConstraint. I switched to a Weld and it works like a charm.

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